How Air Conditioning Impacts Your Sleep Quality

Air conditioners are obviously invaluable tools for all residents of Chesapeake, VA, who wish to stay cool in the spring and summer. But the usefulness of these appliances doesn’t end during waking hours. For better or worse, they can also impact your sleep. Here are a few ways air conditioning affects sleep quality:


An air conditioner’s primary function is to keep the interior of your home cool. Thus, AC systemss can disrupt your sleep both when they’re ineffective and when they work too well. You can just as easily wake up during the night when you’re stuck in a hot and stuffy room that your AC system refuses to cool as when you go to bed in a chilly atmosphere that your air conditioner creates by overworking.

If your AC system can’t carry out its primary task, ask a service technician to examine and repair it. Scheduling annual maintenance for the system will decrease the likelihood of something like this happening.


When AC systems malfunction, they will generally alert you to the presence of trouble by making all sorts of loud and bizarre noises, from screeching and gurgling to banging and rumbling. Air conditioners that are in good shape, on the other hand, emit little more than slight and inoffensive hums. Obviously, it’s much easier to sleep soundly through the latter than the former.

Poor Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

All central AC systems come with their own air filters, allowing them to remove at least some of the pollutants from your home’s air. If these filters aren’t strong or clean enough, you may end up breathing debris even as you sleep. If your AC system’s filters are powerful enough to maintain high IAQ, on the other hand, you’ll probably sleep like a baby.

Dirty filters can be a serious threat to your IAQ and sleep quality. Remember to clean or replace your AC filters at least once every 90 days.

Ignoring your home’s air quality can turn into a nightmare. If you live around Chesapeake, VA, call Hats Off Heating & Cooling to ask for our HVAC services today. Whether you need an AC repair or indoor air quality installation, we can help you live more comfortably and sleep more soundly.

Image provided by iStock

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