4 Signs It’s Time for an Upgraded HVAC System

Inevitably, HVAC systems reach the end of their service life at some point. Understanding when to get a new system in Chesapeake, VA, helps you avoid the discomfort and expenses associated with an outdated system. Discover more about four signs that it’s time to upgrade your old HVAC system.

1. Age

The parts of your HVAC system undergo wear and tear with time. As the years progress, the wear and tear increase, reducing the efficiency of these components.

As a result, your system takes more time to meet your temperature needs. ENERGY STAR recommends that you get a new HVAC system every 10-15 years.

2. High Energy Bills

A failing heating and cooling system causes your monthly utility bills to increase drastically. Various underlying issues make the system use more energy. If small-scale HVAC repairs aren’t fixing your inefficiency issues, it’s time to consider an upgrade.

Installing a modern HVAC system allows you to enjoy the energy efficiency associated with an up-to-date model. For instance, newer HVACs use a different refrigerant that absorbs and releases heat quickly, enabling the system to heat or cool your home quickly.

3. Frequency of Repairs

A system that breaks down often costs you a lot of money to maintain. If you find yourself calling for repairs often or those repairs end up costing more than half the price of a new system, it may be time for an upgrade.

4. Nature of Repairs

Some repairs are very expensive. For instance, your system may have multiple faulty components, meaning you will spend more to get it fixed.

Also, the system may have a defective component that is very expensive to repair. Instead of spending a lot of money repairing an old system, get a new one.

Before you replace your system, request a service tech to inspect it so that they advise whether replacing it is a good idea. Call Hats Off Heating & Cooling for professional heating and cooling advice and services.

Image provided by iStock

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