3 Tips for Managing Your Heating Bills in Chesapeake, VA

With temperatures dropping, you’re relying more on your home’s heating system. As a result, you’re also seeing your heating costs rise. So, here are three tips for managing your heating bills in Chesapeake, VA.

1. Tune Up Your Heating System

Regular maintenance ensures that your home’s heating system runs at its best. Lubricating parts, changing filters, and other maintenance tasks are all part of our annual maintenance plan. Also, during a routine tune-up, one of our service techs will make sure that you don’t have any malfunctioning parts that decrease system efficiency.

2. Clean or Replace Furnace Filters Regularly

Filters catch pollutants and prevent them from entering your central heater. But several months of accumulating dust, pet fur, and other contaminants can clog it up. Dirty filters restrict airflow, increase energy consumption, and raise your monthly heating bills.

Replace your disposable HVAC filters at least every 90 days as recommended by the manufacturer. Keep in mind that this number is a general guideline. If you have pets, allergies, asthma, or frequent cold-like symptoms, then make it a point to change out your filters every month.

3. Seal Air Leaks to Prevent Heat Loss

Heat loss is another big problem that increases your monthly heating bills. Most homes have air leaks due to the following:

  • Cracked weatherstripping around doors and windows
  • Thin or worn-out insulation in walls and attic
  • Holes and cracks in old ductwork

Sealing those air leaks and improving your home’s insulation reduces heat loss. And it can save you money every month on your utility bills.

That faithful, old furnace has served you well over the years. But if you’re already following the tips above and your heater is still driving your fall bills through the roof, then let us take the stress off your shoulders. Contact Hats Off Heating & Cooling for heating system repairs or maintenance today.

Image provided by iStock

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